Daily Scientific Program

Session Info

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All Day
June 19 (Thu)

PG Education 1 (Dialysis (HD+IN))

Room 1
(GBR 101)
Chair(s) Ki Ryang Nah (Chungnam National University Hospital)
Seok-Joon Shin (The Catholic University of Korea, Incheon St. Mary's Hospital)
Speaker(s) 10:30-11:00 The Usefulness of Renal Ultrasound in the Management of CKD Patients Hoon Suk Park (The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital)
11:00-11:30 Mastering Central Venous Catheters: Tips, Pitfalls, and Best Practices for Safe Access Young Rok Ham (Chungnam National University Hospital)
11:30-12:00 The Role of VExUS in Volume Management for CKD Patients Eun Jung Kim (Hallym University Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital)
June 19 (Thu)

PG Education 2 (Glomerular Disease)

Practical Point of View to Manage Podocytopathies
Room 2
(GBR 102)
Chair(s) Bum Soon Choi (The Catholic University of Korea, Eunpyeong St. Mary's Hospital)
Yaerim Kim (Keimyung University School of Medicine)
Speaker(s) Topic 1 Serial Inducation Treatment for Refractory Membranous Nephroapathy to Initial Treatment
10:30-10:40 Case Presentation 1: Serial Inducation Treatment for Refractory Membranous Nephroapathy to Initial Treatment Ho Jun Chin (Seoul National University Bundang Hospital)
10:40-11:00 Review: Management for MN Including Refractory Cases Kipyo Kim (Inha University Hospital)
11:00-11:10 Panel Discussion Soojin Lee (Eulji University Hospital) , Semin Cho (Chung-Ang University College of Medicine)
Topic 2 Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis, Misdiagnosed as Minimal Change Lesion at Initial Biopsy
11:10-11:20 Case Presentation 2: Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis, Misdiagnosed as Minimal Change Lesion at Initial Biopsy Ho Jun Chin (Seoul National University Bundang Hospital)
11:20-11:40 Review: Difference Between FSGS and MCD in Aspects of Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis Se Won Oh (Korea University Anam Hospital)
11:40-11:50 Panel Discussion Hyunjeong Cho (Chungbuk National University Hospital) , Soie Kwon (Chung-Ang University Hospital)
11:50-12:00 Q&A
June 19 (Thu)

PG Education 3 (Fluid & Electrolyte)

Electrolyte Disorders in CKD and the Elderly: Clinical Challenges and Emerging Solutions
Room 3
(GBR 103)
Chair(s) Soo Wan Kim (Chonnam National University Hospital)
Tae-Hwan Kwon (Kyungpook National University School of Medicine)
Speaker(s) 10:30-11:00 A Physiology-Based Approach to Hyponatremia Helbert Rondon-Berrios (University of Pittsburgh)
11:00-11:30 Novel Drugs and Hyperkalemia: Risks and Solutions Su Hyun Song (Chonnam National University Hospital)
11:30-12:00 Hypomagnesemia Is a Risk Factor for CKD and CVD? Ji Yong Jung (Gachon University Gil Medical Center)
June 19 (Thu)

KSN Cooperative Study

Room 4
(Room 203)
Chair(s) Hoon Young Choi (Gangnam Severance Hospital)
Seon Ha Baek (Hallym University Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital)
Speaker(s) 10:30-11:00 The Perspective of Pragmatic Clinical Trial in PRIDE Study Soon Hyo Kwon (Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital)
11:00-11:30 급성콩팥손상 후 급성콩팥병에 의해 발생하는 만성콩팥병 극복 연구 Jung Nam An (Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital)
11:30-12:00 당뇨병콩팥병의 새로운 임상적, 환경적 예후 인자 발굴과 맞춤형 예후 예측 프로그램 개발 Hyeon Seok Hwang (Kyung Hee University School of Medicine)
June 19 (Thu)

Industry Symposium 1 (Otsuka)

Room 3
(GBR 103)
Speaker(s) 12:00-12:50 Tips of Effective Shared Decision Making for Tolvaptan Treatment
June 19 (Thu)


June 19 (Thu)

PG Education 4 (AKI)

Room 1
(GBR 101)
Chair(s) Hye Ryoun Jang (Sungkyunkwan University, School of Medicine)
Jeonghwan Lee (Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center)
Speaker(s) 13:00-13:20 Drug Dosing and Adjustments During CRRT Shin Young Ahn (Korea University Guro Hospital)
13:20-13:40 Nutritional Support During CRRT Ji In Park (Kangwon National University Hospital)
13:40-14:00 Volume Management in CRRT Harin Rhee (Pusan National University School of Medicine)
14:00-14:20 CRRT and ECMO Tai Yeon Koo (Korea University Anam Hospital)
14:20-14:30 Q&A
June 19 (Thu)

PG Education 5 (Kidney Transplantation)

Room 2
(GBR 102)
Chair(s) Gyu Tae Shin (Ajou University, School of Medicine)
Sang-Ho Lee (Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong)
Speaker(s) 13:00-13:30 Overview of Transplant Immunology Myung-Gyu Kim (Korea University Anam Hospital)
13:30-14:00 Approach to Fever and Infections in Kidney Transplant Recipients Yong Chul Kim (Seoul National University Hospital)
14:00-14:30 Non-Graft Complications in Kidney Transplantation: Metabolic and Malignancies Ho Sik Shin (Kosin University Gospel Hospital)
June 19 (Thu)

진료지침위원회(Clinical Guidelines Committee)

Room 4
(Room 203)
Chair(s) Young Youl Hyun (Kangbuk Samsung Hospital)
Yu Ah Hong (The Catholic University of Korea Daejeon St. Mary's Hospital)
Speaker(s) 13:00-13:15 고혈압 관련 만성콩팥병과 말기콩팥병 현황(Current Status of Chronic Kidney Disease and End-Stage Kidney Disease Related to Hypertension) Jae Seok Kim (Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine)
13:15-13:30 만성콩팥병 환자의 혈압 측정 방법 및 조절 목표(Blood Pressure Measurement Techniques and Control Targets in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients) Jiwon Ryu (Seoul National University Bundang Hospital)
13:30-13:45 고혈압콩팥병의 감별 진단과 신장전문의 협진 시기 Jong Wook Choi (Hanyang University Seoul Hospital)
13:45-14:00 고혈압콩팥병의 비약물치료 및 생활요법(Non-pharmacological Treatment and Lifestyle Management of Hypertensive Kidney Disease) Eun Jeong Ko (The Catholic University of Korea Bucheon St. Mary's Hospital)
14:00-14:15 고혈압콩팥병 환자의 약물치료(Phamacologic Treatment in Hypertensive Kidney Disease) Byung Chul Yu (Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital)
14:15-14:30 특별한 상황에서의 고혈압 치료(Management of Hypertension in Special Situations) Hee Jung Jeon (Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital)
14:30-14:45 신대체요법 환자의 혈압 관리(Blood Pressure Management in Patients Undergoing Renal Replacement Therapy) Eun Sil Koh (The Catholic University of Korea, Yeouido St. Mary's Hospital)
14:45-15:00 소아청소년 고혈압콩팥병의 진단과 치료(Management of Hypertension in Children and Adolescents with Chronic Kidney Disease) Hyun Kyung Lee (Chung-Ang University Hospital)
June 19 (Thu)


Room 3
(GBR 103)
Chair(s) Kyung Chul Moon (Seoul National University Hospital)
Speaker(s) 13:30-14:00 Pathomics and Multi-Omics: Next-Generation Tools for Renal Pathology Haichun Yang (Vanderbilt University)
14:00-14:30 Spatial Transcriptomics to Understand Kidney Biology and Disease Shreeram Akilesh (University of Washington)
June 19 (Thu)


June 19 (Thu)

Big Data

Room 1
(GBR 101)
Chair(s) Kipyo Kim (Inha University Hospital)
Gang Jee Ko (Korea University Guro Hospital)
Speaker(s) 15:00-15:30 Introduction to the Structure of the USRDS and Contributions to Research and Patient Care James Wetmore (Hennepin County Medical Center)
15:30-16:00 Analysis of Korean ESRD Patients Using KORDS Data: Insights from Previous Studies Yu Ah Hong (The Catholic University of Korea Daejeon St. Mary's Hospital)
16:00-16:30 NHANES를 활용한 연구 소개 Jeonghwan Lee (Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center)
16:30-17:00 의료인공지능 기술동향 및 미래 Hwamin Lee (Korea University)
June 19 (Thu)

Hypertension and Vascular Biology

Room 2
(GBR 102)
Chair(s) Yeong Hoon Kim (Inje University Busan Paik Hospital)
Haruhito Uchida (Okayama University)
Speaker(s) 15:00-15:30 Lipid in CKD Patients Sang Heon Suh (Chonnam National University Hospital)
15:30-16:00 Resistant Hypertension in CKD Chan Joo Lee (Severance Hospital)
16:00-16:30 An Ambulatory BP Monitoring or BP Variability in CKD Haruhito Uchida (Okayama University)
16:30-17:00 Intensive BP Control in CKD Patients Elaine Ku (University of California San Francisco)
June 19 (Thu)

Genetic Disease

Genomics to Everyone!: Building up National Genomics Program
Room 4
(Room 203)
Chair(s) Beom Hee Lee (Asan Medical Center)
Hee Gyung Kang (Seoul National University Hospital)
Speaker(s) 15:00-15:30 Towards Equitable Kidney Genomics! Building up National Kidney Genomics Programs Andrew Mallett (JCU College of Medicine & Dentistry)
15:30-16:00 KNIH's Initiatives for the Advancement of Genome Medical Services Hyun-Young Park (National Institute of Health)
16:00-16:30 Current Initiatives and Future Directions of the Genetic Kidney Disease Research Group Ho Sik Shin (Kosin University Gospel Hospital)
16:30-17:00 Clinical Utility of Genome Sequencing Data Reanalysis Hane Lee (3billion)
June 19 (Thu)


June 19 (Thu)

Plenary Lecture 1

Room 1+2
(GBR 101+102)
Chair(s) Hyeong Cheon Park (Gangnam Severance Hospital)
Hye Young Kim (Chungbuk National University Hospital)
Speaker(s) 17:10-18:00 Digital Healthcare 2025: Age of Generative AI Koon Ho Rha (Naver Healthcare Lab)
June 19 (Thu)

Opening Ceremony & Welcome Reception

Room 3
(GBR 103)
June 20 (Fri)

Basic Research

Gene Therapy / RNA Therapy
Room 1
(GBR 101)
Chair(s) Yong Kyun Kim (The Catholic University of Korea, St. Vincent's Hospital)
Jihwan Park (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST))
Speaker(s) 08:30-09:00 Polysaccharide-Based Nano-PAMP Strategy for mRNA Cancer Vaccine Development Sejin Son (Inha University)
09:00-09:30 Tailoring AAV Capsid Proteins for Diverse and Efficient Gene Therapy Kye Il Joo (Ewha Womans University)
09:30-10:00 Epitranscriptomics in Kidney Disease: Insights and Therapeutic Potential Szu-Yuan Li (Taipei Veterans General Hospital)
10:00-10:30 Development of siRNA Based Therapeutics for Fabry Disease Using Patient Derived Kidney Organoid System Byung Ha Chung (The Catholic University of Korea Seoul St. Mary's Hospital)
June 20 (Fri)

KSPD-JSPD Joint Symposium

Sustainable PD in a Healthy Condition
Room 2
(GBR 102)
Chair(s) Jun Young Do (Yeungnam University Medical Center)
Hidetoshi Kanai (Kokura Memorial Hospital)
Speaker(s) 08:30-09:00 How to Start, Expand and Maintain PD Program in Your Center? Hidetoshi Kanai (Kokura Memorial Hospital)
09:00-09:30 Strategies for the Personalized PD Prescription Jwa-Kyung Kim (Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital)
09:30-10:00 Prevention and Management of Metabolic Complications for Adult PD Patients Hyo Jin Kim (Korea University Guro Hospital)
10:00-10:30 How to Prevent PD Drop-Out? Jung Eun Lee (Yongin Severance Hospital)
June 20 (Fri)

KSN-ISN Joint Symposium

Gaining Insights from Diverse Progression Pattern Leading to Kidney Failure
Room 3
(GBR 103)
Chair(s) Hyeong Cheon Park (Gangnam Severance Hospital)
Dae Eun Choi (Chungnam National University Hospital)
Speaker(s) 08:30-09:00 Outcomes of Diabetic Kidney Disease and the Progression to Kidney Failure Sunita Bavanandan (Hospital Kuala Lumpur)
09:00-09:30 Hypertensive Nephropathy and Trajectories to Kidney Failure Jong Hyun Jhee (Gangnam Severance Hospital)
09:30-10:00 Impact of Aging on the Natural Decline of Kidney Function in a Healthy Population Seo Rin Kim (Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital)
10:00-10:30 Kidney Dysfunction in Populations With Obesity and Underweight John Cijiang He (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)
June 20 (Fri)

KSN-KSH Joint Symposium (Korean Society of Hypertension)

Blood Pressure Management in Specific Conditions
Room 4
(Room 203)
Chair(s) Gheun-Ho Kim (Hanyang University Medical Center)
Jinho Shin (Hanyang University Medical Center)
Speaker(s) 08:30-09:00 Implementing Guideline Directed BP Control of Pre-Dialysis CKD Patients in the Outpatient Setting Jin Joo Cha (Korea University Ansan Hospital)
09:00-09:30 Optimal Blood Pressure Management in the Acute Care Setting Jin Wi (Gachon University Gil Medical Center)
09:30-10:00 Management of Orthostatic Hypotension Eun Hui Bae (Chonnam National University Hospital)
10:00-10:30 What’s New in the Evaluation and the Management of Secondary Hypertension? Hyemoon Chung (Kyung Hee University College of Medicine)
June 20 (Fri)

Oral Communications 1 (AKI/Electrolyte/Hypertension)

Room 5
(Room 205)
June 20 (Fri)

Coffee Break & Poster Visiting

June 20 (Fri)


Glomerular and Tubulointerstitial Disorders
Room 1
(GBR 101)
Chair(s) Sun-Hee Park (Kyungpook National University Hospital)
Seung Hyeok Han (Severance Hospital)
Speaker(s) 10:40-11:05 Adaptation to New Guidelines of Management for ANCA Associated GN Yongjin Yi (Dankook University Hospital)
11:05-11:30 Management of Refractory Lupus Nephritis Based on New Guideline Sunhwa Lee (Kangwon National University Hospital)
11:30-12:10 Classification and Management of MGRS Nelson Leung (Mayo Clinic)
12:10-12:20 Q&A
June 20 (Fri)

Fluid & Electrolyte

Fluid and Electrolyte Challenges in Nephrology: from Bench to Bedside
Room 2
(GBR 102)
Chair(s) Gheun-Ho Kim (Hanyang University Medical Center)
Eun Hui Bae (Chonnam National University Hospital)
Speaker(s) 10:40-11:05 Urea for Hyponatremia: A Fresh Look at an Old Cure Helbert Rondon-Berrios (University of Pittsburgh)
11:05-11:30 Urine pH and NH4+ as Biomarkers of Kidney Disease Gheun-Ho Kim (Hanyang University Medical Center)
11:30-11:55 SGLT2 Inhibitors and Electrolyte Balances Sungjin Chung (The Catholic University of Korea, Yeouido St. Mary's Hospital)
11:55-12:20 Kidney Stones: Pathogenesis and Treatment Sang Hyub Lee (Kyung Hee University Hospital)
June 20 (Fri)

KSN-TSN-JSDT Joint Symposium

Shared Decision-Making for ESKD Patients in Asia
Room 3
(GBR 103)
Chair(s) Dae Eun Choi (Chungnam National University Hospital)
Tadashi Tomo (Oita University)
Yung-Ho Hsu (Taipei Medical University)
Speaker(s) 10:40-11:10 Shared Decision-Making for Dialysis: Korea Sejoong Kim (Seoul National University Bundang Hospital)
11:10-11:40 Shared Decision-Making for Dialysis: Japan Yasuhiro Komatsu (Gunma University)
11:40-12:10 Shared Decision-Making for Dialysis: Taiwan Yi-Wen Chiu (Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital )
12:10-12:20 Q&A
June 20 (Fri)

Satellite Symposium 1 (Chong Kun Dang)

Room 4
(Room 203)
Chair(s) Hyeong Cheon Park (Gangnam Severance Hospital)
Speaker(s) 10:40-11:05 Unveiling CONFIDENCE: Combination Therapy With Finerenone and Empagliflozin Prabir Roy-Chaudhury (University of North Carolina)
11:05-11:30 The New Era of CKM Syndrome Treatment: Clinical Updates on Finerenone Hoon Suk Park (The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital)
11:30-11:55 Bridging Evidence and Practice: Real-World Use of Finerenone in CKD With T2D Yong Chul Kim (Seoul National University Hospital)
11:55-12:20 Panel Discussion Hyosang Kim (Asan Medical Center) , Jwa-Kyung Kim (Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital) , Tai-Shuan Lai (National Taiwan University Hospital) , Pei-Chun Fan (Chang Gung Memorial Hospital)
June 20 (Fri)

Oral Communications 2 (Glomerulonephritis)

Room 5
(Room 205)
June 20 (Fri)

Industry Symposium 2 (Daewon)

Room 1
(GBR 101)
Speaker(s) 12:20-13:00 Current Perspectives on CKD Treatment: Focus on Renamezin
June 20 (Fri)

Industry Symposium 3 (inno.N)

Room 2
(GBR 102)
Speaker(s) 12:20-13:00 Dapa.N's Cardiorenal Benefits for CKD Patients (Dapagliflozin)
June 20 (Fri)

Industry Symposium 4 (DKSH)

Room 3
(GBR 103)
Speaker(s) 12:20-13:00 Evocalcet: A New Oral Calcimimetics for Dialysis Patients with Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
June 20 (Fri)

Industry Symposium 5 (GSK)

Room 4
(Room 203)
Speaker(s) 12:20-13:00 The Necessity of Shingles Prevention for Kidney Disease Patients
June 20 (Fri)

Coffee Break & Poster Visiting

June 20 (Fri)

Plenary Lecture 2

Room 1+2+3
(GBR 101+102+103)
Chair(s) Yon Su Kim (Seoul National University Hospital)
Eun Young Lee (Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital)
Speaker(s) 13:20-14:10 The Right Drug for the Right Patient With Kidney Disease: a Journey Across Disciplines and Continents Matthias Kretzler (University of Michigan)
June 20 (Fri)

Coffee Break & Poster Visiting

June 20 (Fri)

Pediatric Nephrology

Room 1
(GBR 101)
Chair(s) Joo Hoon Lee (Asan Medical Center)
Hyung Eun Yim (Korea University Ansan Hospital)
Speaker(s) 14:30-15:00 Genetic Aspect and Management of Nephrocalcinosis Francesco Emma (Bambino Gesu Children’s Hospital, Rome)
15:00-15:30 Pediatric Hypertension Kyoug Hee Han (Jeju National University Hospital)
15:30-16:00 Hyperuricemia in Children Myung Hyun Cho (Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital)
16:00-16:30 Transformative Applications of AI and ChatGPT in Pediatric Nephrology: from Research to Clinical Practice Peong Gang Park (Ajou University Hospital)
June 20 (Fri)

Kidney Trasnplantation 1

Recent Advances in Kidney Transplantation
Room 2
(GBR 102)
Chair(s) Jong Soo Lee (Ulsan University Hospital)
Dorry Segev (NYU Grossman)
Speaker(s) 14:30-15:00 Artificial Intelligence and Kidney Transplantation Dorry Segev (NYU Grossman)
15:00-15:30 Progress in Kidney Xenotransplantation: Are We Ready for Clinics? Jaeseok Yang (Severance Hospital)
15:30-16:00 Preventing Diabetic Nephropathy Following Kidney Transplant: Key Considerations Byung Ha Chung (The Catholic University of Korea Seoul St. Mary's Hospital)
16:00-16:30 Recent Advances in Diagnostics and Therapeutics for Cytomegalovirus Management Woo Yeong Park (Keimyung University School of Medicine, Keimyung University Kidney Institute)
June 20 (Fri)

KDIGO-KSN Joint Symposium

CKD and Heart Failure (based on the March 2024 Consensus Paper)
Room 3
(GBR 103)
Chair(s) Kwon Wook Joo (Seoul National University Hospital)
Mark J. Sarnak (Tufts University, School of Medicine)
Speaker(s) 14:30-15:00 Novel Insights Into the Pathophysiology of the Cardiorenal Syndrome Mark J. Sarnak (Tufts University, School of Medicine)
15:00-15:30 A New Era of Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy (GDMT): Are We Witnessing a Convergence of GDMT for Heart Failure and CKD? Brendon Neuen (The George Institute for Global Health, Royal North Shore Hospital)
15:30-16:00 Diagnostic Dilemmas in Heart Failure and Kidney Disease Soie Kwon (Chung-Ang University Hospital)
16:00-16:30 New Medication in CRS Jin Sug Kim (Kyung Hee University)
June 20 (Fri)

KSN-KSCCM Joint Symposium (Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine)

Integrating Nephrology and Critical Care: Innovations in AKI and CRRT Management
Room 4
(Room 203)
Chair(s) Young Sam Kim (Severance Hospital)
Shin Young Ahn (Korea University Guro Hospital)
Speaker(s) 14:30-15:00 Sepsis Associated AKI Ho Geol Ryu (Seoul National University Hospital)
15:00-15:30 AI in ICU Donghwan Yun (Seoul National University Hospital)
15:30-16:00 Volume Management Strategies in CRRT: Liberal Volume Management Soo Jin Na (Samsung Medical Center)
16:00:16:30 Volume Management Strategies in CRRT: Strict Volume Management Jihyun Yang (Kangbuk Samsung Hospital)
June 20 (Fri)

Oral Communications 3 (Big Data/Generic/Gentics/Pediatrics)

Room 5
(Room 205)
June 20 (Fri)

Coffee Break & Poster Visiting

June 20 (Fri)

Chronic Kidney Disease

Cardiovascular, Kidney, and Metabolic Interplay in Chronic Kidney Disease: Mechanisms and Integrated Care Approaches
Room 1
(GBR 101)
Chair(s) Kook-Hwan Oh (Seoul National University Hospital)
Tae-Hyun Yoo (Severance Hospital)
Speaker(s) 16:40-17:10 Cardiovascular-Kidney-Metabolic (CKM) Syndrome Seung Hyeok Han (Severance Hospital)
17:10-17:40 Differential Roles of GLP1 Receptor Agonists and SGLT2 Inhibitors in CKD Soo Lim (Seoul National University Bundang Hospital)
17:40-18:10 Organ Cross-Talk: NAFLD, MAFLD, and CKD Chan-Young Jung (Asan Medical Center)
18:10-18:40 The Balancing Interplay of Protein Intake to Optimize Kidney and Cardiovascular Health Gang Jee Ko (Korea University Guro Hospital)
June 20 (Fri)

Kidney Trasnplantation 2

Cutting-Edge Immunosuppression and Surveillance Approaches in Kidney Transplantation
Room 2
(GBR 102)
Chair(s) Beom Seok Kim (Severance Hospital)
Chan-Duck Kim (Kyungpook National University Hospital)
Speaker(s) 16:40-17:10 Present and Future of Immunosuppression in Kidney Transplantation Hyosang Kim (Asan Medical Center)
17:10-17:40 Novel Desensitization and Treatment Strategies for Antibody-Mediated Rejection Jeong-Hoon Lim (Kyungpook National University Chilgok Hospital)
17:40-18:10 New Approaches and Treatments in Surveillance and Management of BK Virus Yu Ho Lee (Bundang CHA General Hospital)
18:10-18:40 Can HLA Eplet Matching Enhance Clinical Outcomes in Kidney Transplantation? John Jeongseok Yang (Samsung Medical Center)
June 20 (Fri)

KSN-KMA-KMDF Joint Symposium

The Future of Medical Devices for Hemodialysis
Room 3
(GBR 103)
Chair(s) Dong Ki Kim (Seoul National University Hospital)
Beop-Min Kim (Korea Medical Device Development Fund)
Speaker(s) 16:40-17:10 원격 모니터링 이동형 혈액투석 의료기기 개발 Chul-Hong Min (Synopex)
17:10-17:40 비침습적 심폐기능 영상모니터링을 통한 혈액투석 중 저혈압 위험도 예측지표와 선제적 예방 프로토콜 개발 Ju-Young Moon (Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong)
17:40-18:10 혈액투석환자 동정맥루의 인접 유출정맥의 재발성 협착에 사용되는 말초혈관용 그라프트 스텐트의 안전성과 유효성을 평가하기 위한 임상시험 Jung Suk Oh (The Catholic University of Korea, St. Mary's Hospital)
June 20 (Fri)

KORDS Report/Dialysis Center Accreditation

Room 4
(Room 203)
Chair(s) Seon-Ho Ahn (Sahmyook Medical Center)
Se Won Oh (Korea University Anam Hospital)
Speaker(s) 16:40-17:10 우리나라 투석 환자 발병률 및 유병율(Trends in Incidence and Prevalence of End-Stage Kidney Disease in South Korea: Challenges and Perspectives) Kipyo Kim (Inha University Hospital)
17:10-17:40 우리나라 투석 환자의 임상적 특징(Clinical Characteristics of Dialysis Patients in South Korea) Seokwoo Park (Seoul National University Bundang Hospital)
17:40-18:10 우리나라 투석 환자의 생존 분석(Current Update on the Survival Rate of the Dialysis-Dependent Patients in South Korea) Sang Heon Suh (Chonnam National University Hospital)
18:10-18:40 The Past, Present, and Future of KORDS Sejoong Kim (Seoul National University Bundang Hospital)
June 20 (Fri)

Oral Communications 4 (Dialysis)

Room 5
(Room 205)
June 21 (Sat)

Council Meeting of the KSN

Room 4
(Room 203)
June 21 (Sat)

Geriatric Nephrology

Neuroscience in Geriatric Nephrology
Room 1
(GBR 101)
Chair(s) Soon Hyo Kwon (Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital)
Sang Heon Song (Pusan National University Hospital)
Speaker(s) 08:30-09:00 Dementia and Cognitive Impairment in Elderly Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease Mark J. Sarnak (Tufts University, School of Medicine)
09:00-09:25 Dizziness in Elderly Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease EekSung Lee (Soonchunhyang University Hospital Bucheon)
09:25-09:50 Current and Future Management of Ischemic Stroke in Elderly Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease JoonNyung Heo (Chung-Ang University Gwangmyeong Hospital)
09:50-10:10 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Hemorrhagic Stroke in Elderly Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Jung Hyun Park (Hallym University Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital)
June 21 (Sat)

Acute Kidney Injury

Novel Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach for AKI
Room 2
(GBR 102)
Chair(s) Won-Ho Kim (National Institute of Health)
Vin-Cent Wu (National Taiwan University Hospital)
Speaker(s) 08:30-08:55 Advances in Acute Kidney Disease Care and Treatment: A Current Overview Vin-Cent Wu (National Taiwan University Hospital)
08:55-09:20 Clinical Significance of Baseline AKD on Patient Outcomes Harin Rhee (Pusan National University School of Medicine)
09:20-09:45 Sick Day Rules Jung Nam An (Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital)
09:45-10:10 Biomarkers in CKRT Discontinuation Yohan Park (Konyang University Hospital)
June 21 (Sat)

KSN-ISPD Joint Symposium

Increasing PD Uptake and Improving PD Outcomes
Room 3
(GBR 103)
Chair(s) Yong-Lim Kim (Kyungpook National University Hospital)
Talerngsak Kanjanabuch (Chulalongkorn University)
Speaker(s) 08:30-08:55 Increasing PD Utilization: Revitalizing PD - PD at-Home Management Pilot Project Jeonghwan Lee (Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center)
08:55-09:20 Increasing PD Utilization: Breaking down Barriers (Lessons from Pakistan) Ahad Qayyum (Bahria Town International Hospital)
09:20-09:45 Improving PD Outcomes: Reducing Glucose Exposure - Where Is the Sweet Spot? Seok Hui Kang (Yeungnam University Hospital)
09:45-10:10 Improving PD Outcomes: Applying the New ISPD Infection Guidelines Adrian Liew (Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital)
June 21 (Sat)

Satellite Symposium 2 (Boehringer Ingelheim)

Room 4
(Room 203)
Chair(s) Hyeong Cheon Park (Gangnam Severance Hospital)
Speaker(s) 08:30-09:00 Optimizing CKD Management: Aligning with Guidelines and SGLT2 Inhibitor's Role Merlin Thomas (Monash University)
09:00-09:30 Unlocking Renal Benefits: SGLT2 Inhibitors in CKD So-Young Lee (CHA University Bundang Medical Center)
09:30-10:00 SGLT2i: A Comprehensive Approach to Cardio-Renal-Matabolic Disease Management Young Youl Hyun (Kangbuk Samsung Hospital)
10:00-10:10 Interactive Discussion
June 21 (Sat)

Oral Communications 5 (Kidney Transplantation)

Room 5
(Room 205)
June 21 (Sat)

Coffee Break & Poster Visiting

June 21 (Sat)

Plenary Lecture 3

Room 1+2+3
(GBR 101+102+103)
Chair(s) Yong-Lim Kim (Kyungpook National University Hospital)
Chun Soo Lim (Seoul National University)
Speaker(s) 10:30-11:20 New Medical Technologies Based on Precision Engineering for Clinical Applications Luke P. Lee (Harvard Medical School)
June 21 (Sat)

Coffee Break & Poster Visiting

June 21 (Sat)

Industry Symposium 6 (Baxter)

Room 1
(GBR 101)
Speaker(s) 11:40-12:20 Preserving Residual Kidney Function: Insights from the THREAD Trial on Theranova Dialyzer
June 21 (Sat)

Industry Symposium 7 (FMC)

Room 2
(GBR 102)
Speaker(s) 11:40-12:20 HVHDF - Clarifying the Dialysis Fluids Quality Management Requirements and Water Saving Strategies
June 21 (Sat)

Industry Symposium 8 (NIPRO)

Importance of Biocompatibility in CTA Dialyzers
Room 3
(GBR 103)
Speaker(s) 11:40-12:20 Efficacy of CTA
June 21 (Sat)

Industry Symposium 9 (Everest Medicines)

Room 4
(Room 203)
June 21 (Sat)

General Assembly

Room 2
(GBR 102)
June 21 (Sat)

Diabetes and Obesity

New Horizons in DKD: Emerging Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches
Room 1
(GBR 101)
Chair(s) Sang Youb Han (Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital)
Petter Bjornstad (University of Washington)
Speaker(s) 12:50-13:15 Synergy in Action: Novel Combination Strategies for DKD Petter Bjornstad (University of Washington)
13:15-13:40 Novel Therapeutic Target Against DKD: Abnormal Lipid Metabolism Tae-Hyun Yoo (Severance Hospital)
13:40-14:05 Advances in Diagnosing DKD: Cutting Edge Biomarkers Sang Heon Song (Pusan National University Hospital)
14:05-14:30 Groundbreaking DKD Research: Beyond Single Cell Analysis Jihwan Park (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST))
14:30-14:50 Panel Discussion Jin Joo Cha (Korea University Ansan Hospital) , Ju-Young Moon (Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong) , Samel Park (Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital) , I-Wen Wu (Taipei Medical University Hospital)
June 21 (Sat)


Room 2
(GBR 102)
Chair(s) Yang Wook Kim (Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital)
Jong Woo Yoon (Hallym University Chucheon Sacred Hearth Hospital)
Speaker(s) 12:50-13:20 What Have We Learned from CONVINCE? Peter J. Blankestijin (University Medical Center Utrecht)
13:20-13:50 Dialysis Based Interventions: Old Problems Need New Insights and Solutions Christopher Mclntyre (London Health Sciences Centre)
13:50-14:20 Malnutrition and Its Assessment in Hemodialysis Patients Hyung Duk Kim (The Catholic University of Korea, Eunpyeong St. Mary's Hospital)
14:20-14:50 Nutritional Support in Patients With Kidney Disease Jungho Shin (Chung-Ang University College of Medicine)
June 21 (Sat)

KSN-KES Joint Symposium (Korean Endocrine Society)

Optimizing Bone, Muscle, and Nutritional Health in Chronic Kidney Disease
Room 3
(GBR 103)
Chair(s) Young Joo Kwon (Korea University Guro Hospital)
Ki-Hyun Baek (The Catholic Universoty of Korea, Yeouido St. Mary's Hospital)
Speaker(s) 12:50-13:20 Management of Fracture Risk in CKD Shin Young Ahn (Korea University Guro Hospital)
13:20-13:50 Clinical Applications of Bone Turnover Markers So Young Park (Kyung Hee University College of Medicine)
13:50-14:20 Malnutrition, Protein Energy Wasting and Sarcopenia in CKD Jong Hyun Jhee (Gangnam Severance Hospital)
14:20-14:50 Emerging Therapeutic Strategies in Sarcopenia Ji Yeon Baek (Asan Medical Center)
June 21 (Sat)

재난대응위원회(Disaster Response Committee)

Room 4
(Room 203)
Chair(s) Kyung Don Yoo (University of Ulsan College of Medicine)
Speaker(s) 12:50-13:20 Historical Evolution of the JSDT Crisis Management Team and Strategic Evacuation Planning for Hemodialysis Patients in Collaboration With the Self-Defense Forces
13:20-13:50 Building a Robust Network and Advancing Disaster-Resilient Equipment and Protocol for Dialysis Facilitie
13:50-14:20 Development of Standardized Educational Videos for Disaster Response in Dialysis Units: A Comprehensive Approach Sua Lee (Daejeon Eulji Medical Center, Eulji University)
14:20-14:50 Healthcare Utilization and Outcomes of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Big Data Analysis Ajin Cho (Konkuk University Medical Center)
June 21 (Sat)

Satellite Symposium 3 (Boryung)

Room 5
(Room 205)
Chair(s) Bum Soon Choi (The Catholic University of Korea, Eunpyeong St. Mary's Hospital)
Speaker(s) 12:50-13:50 Improving Symptoms of Elderly CKD Patients Using the Principle of Adsorption of Inflammatory Factor Ikuto Masakane (Yabuki Hospital)
June 21 (Sat)

Satellite Symposium 4 (Otsuka)

Room 5
(Room 205)
Chair(s) Ken Tsuchiya (Tokyo Women's Medical University)
YunKyu Oh (Boramae Medical Center)
Speaker(s) 14:00-14:15 Are SGLT2 Inhibitors Beneficial or Harmful for ADPKD Patients? Fumihiko Hattanda (Hokkaido University Hospital)
14:15-14:30 Genetic Study Findings in the Korean Registry Yaerim Kim (Keimyung University School of Medicine)
14:30-14:45 Disease Notification to Children and Genetic Counselling Akinari Sekine (Toranomon Hospital)
14:45-15:00 Use of Renal Scan in Patients With ADPKD Yeonsoon Jung (Kosin University Gospel Hospital)
15:00-15:10 Q&A
June 21 (Sat)

Coffee Break & Poster Visiting

June 21 (Sat)

재택투석 활성화: KHP2033 목표 달성을 위한 방안 토론(Home Dialysis Activation: Dicussions on Strategies for Achieving KHP2033)

Room 1+2
(GBR 101+102)
Chair(s) Sun-Hee Park (Kyungpook National University Hospital)
Donghyung Lee (Beomil Yonsei Clinic & Hemodialysis Center)
Speaker(s) 15:10-15:35 The Current Status and Development Strategies for Home Health Care in Korea Kunwoo Park (Korea University Anam Hospital)
15:35-16:00 KHP2033 : Mid-Term Review and Future Directions Jwa-Kyung Kim (Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital)
16:00-16:25 Home Dialysis in Megacities: A Case Study of Home Hemodialysis in Tokyo Masaki Hara (Tokyo Dialysis Frontier Group)
16:25-16:50 Proposals for Clinical Application of Peritoneal Dialysis Policy in End-Stage Kidney Disease Seok-Jun Yoon (Korea University)
16:50-17:10 M.O.U. Ceremony Between KSN and KHHCA
June 21 (Sat)

KSN-ERA Joint Symposium

Room 2
(GBR 102)
Chair(s) Mehmet Sukru Sever (Istanbul University)
Seung Hyeok Han (Severance Hospital)
Speaker(s) 15:10-15:40 B Cell Depletion in Podocytopathy Andreas Kronbichler (Medical University Innsbruck)
15:40-16:10 Complement Inhibition in IgA Nephropathy Hajeong Lee (Seoul National University Hospital)
16:10-16:40 Insights Into Disaster Nephrology and Preparedness for Kidney Care in Emergencies Mehmet Sukru Sever (Istanbul University)
16:40-17:10 The Role of the Korean Society of Nephrology Disaster Preparedness and Response Committee in Managing Patients With End-Stage Kidney Disease Sunhwa Lee (Kangwon National University Hospital)
June 21 (Sat)

Ethics Education

Room 3
(GBR 103)
Chair(s) Soon Hyo Kwon (Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital)
Jae-Won Lee (G Sam Medical Center)
Speaker(s) 15:10-16:10 임종기 환자 판단 및 환자 의사결정 능력 평가 Jae Young Moon (Chungnam National University Hospital)
16:10-17:10 임종 환자를 위한 생애말기돌봄 및 환자/가족과의 의사소통(End-of-Life Care and Compassionate Communication: Supporting Patients and Families) Shin-Hye Yoo (Seoul National University Hospital)
June 21 (Sat)

KSN-KSCN Joint Symposium (Korean Society of Clinical Nutrition)

Room 4
(Room 203)
Chair(s) Won Min Hwang (Konyang University Hospital)
Seungmin Lee (Sungshin Women's University)
Speaker(s) 15:10-15:40 2024 KDIGO CKD Patient Diet Recommendation Guideline Update Su-Hyun Kim (Chung-Ang University Gwangmyeong Hospital)
15:40-16:10 Barriers to Implementing the Mediterranean Diet in CKD Patients? Ga Young Heo (Severance Hospital)
16:10-16:40 Optimal Diet Pattern in Patients With CKD Yoo Kyoung Park (Graduate School of East-West Medical Science Kyunghee University)
16:40-17:10 Practical Dietary Approaches for Patients With CKD Woo Jeong Kim (Gangnam Severance Hospital)
June 21 (Sat)

Oral Communications 6 (CKD/Diabetic Nephrology/Metabolic Abnormality)

Room 5
(Room 205)
June 22 (Sun)

Dialysis Nurse Course 1

Room 1+2
(GBR 101+102)
Chair(s) Miyoung Kim (Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital)
Taehee Kim (Inje University Busan Paik Hospital)
Speaker(s) 08:30-09:00 자동복막투석(APD)의 이해 Young-Sun Kang (Korea University Ansan Hospital)
09:00-09:30 복막투석환자의 재택관리 Gyeongsuk Cha (The Catholic University of Korea Seoul St. Mary's Hospital)
09:30-10:00 만성콩팥병 환자에 대한 의료사회복지 개입 Suji Lee (Hallym University Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital)
10:00-10:30 지역사회에서 투석간호사의 역할 Changmi Kim (Sam Medical Center)
June 22 (Sun)

Dialysis Specialist Physician Course 1

Issues in Hemodialysis
Room 3
(GBR 103)
Speaker(s) 08:30-09:00 Osteoporosis in CKD: Diagnosis and Treatment Young Eun Kwon (Myongji Hospital)
09:00-09:30 Anemia in CKD: Effect of New Drugs in Real World Jungho Shin (Chung-Ang University College of Medicine)
09:30-10:00 Hemodialysis-Induced Organ Ischemia: Cardiac to Cerebral Blood Flow Yongjin Yi (Dankook University Hospital)
10:00-10:30 Prevention of Hemodialysis-Induced Organ Ischemia Shina Lee (Ewha Womans University Cancer Center for Women)
June 22 (Sun)

Nephrology Board Review Course 1

Room 4
(Room 203)
Chair(s) Ho Sik Shin (Kosin University Gospel Hospital)
Seun Deuk Hwang (Inha University Hospital)
Speaker(s) 08:30-09:00 Electro: Diuretic Strategies in Patients With Heart Failure and Kidney Dysfunction Yohan Park (Konyang University Hospital)
09:00-09:30 AKI: Case-Based Approaches to Enhancing Renal Support in Acute Kidney Injury Hye Ryoun Jang (Sungkyunkwan University, School of Medicine)
09:30-10:00 CKD: the Four Pillars of Cardiorenal Protection in CKD and Type 2 Diabetes Seokwoo Park (Seoul National University Bundang Hospital)
10:00-10:30 GN: Advances in Lupus Nephritis Management: Insights from the KDIGO 2024 Guidelines Yu Ah Hong (The Catholic University of Korea Daejeon St. Mary's Hospital)
June 22 (Sun)

Hands-on Session 1 (Intervention)

Room 5
(Room 205)
Speaker(s) 08:30-10:30 Vascular Access US Cheolsu Kim (KIM CHEOL SU INTERNAL MEDICINE)
08:30-10:30 Vascular Access US Na Rae Joo (Hanmaeum Hospital)
08:30-10:30 Vascular Access US Jeonghwan Lee (Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center)
08:30-10:30 Vascular Access US Sunmin Kim (Lifeline Vascular Clinic)
08:30-10:30 Vascular Access US Yongseon Choi (Bundang Jesaeng General Hospital)
08:30-10:30 Vascular Access US Dong Hee Lee (Sam Medical Center)
08:30-10:30 Vascular Access US Do Hyoung Kim (Hallym University Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital)
08:30-10:30 Simulator (Vascular Access BFR) Chang Min Heo (Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital)
08:30-10:30 Simulator (Kidney Biopsy) Hae-Ryong Yun (Yongin Severance Hospital)
08:30-10:30 Simulator (Catheter Insertion) Hyung Duk Kim (The Catholic University of Korea, Eunpyeong St. Mary's Hospital)
08:30-10:30 Simulator (AVF ,PTA) Sangeon Gwoo (Lifeline Vascular Clinic)
08:30-10:30 Lung US Eun Jung Kim (Hallym University Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital)
08:30-10:30 IVC US Hyung Seok Lee (Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital)
08:30-10:30 VExUS (Hepatic Vein, Portal Vein) Gwangho Choi (Hallym University Chunchoen Sacred Heart Hospital)
08:30-10:30 Kidney US Hoon Suk Park (The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital)
June 22 (Sun)

Coffee Break & Poster Visiting

June 22 (Sun)

Dialysis Nurse Course 2

Room 1+2
(GBR 101+102)
Chair(s) Hyung Sook Kim (The Catholic University of Korea Seoul St. Mary's Hospital)
Kyung Pyo Kang (Jeonbuk National Univeristy Medical School)
Speaker(s) 10:40-11:10 고령 만성콩팥병 환자에서의 신대체요법 준비과정 In O Sun (Presbyterian Medical Center)
11:10-11:40 혈액투석환자의 영양관리 Yeongran Lee (Hallym University Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital)
11:40-12:10 혈액투석환자의 투석로 합병증과 관리 Dan Song (Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital)
12:10-12:40 혈관 Mapping의 실제와 적용 Yunjin Park (Samsung Medical Center)
June 22 (Sun)

Dialysis Specialist Physician Course 2

Vascular access essentials for dialysis specialist physician
Room 3
(GBR 103)
Speaker(s) 10:40-11:10 Vessel Preservation in Pre-Dialysis CKD Patients Do Hyoung Kim (Hallym University Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital)
11:10-11:40 Back to Basics: Types and Anatomic Variants in Vascular Access Hyung Seok Lee (Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital)
11:40-12:10 Monitoring and Surveillance in Vascular Access: Immature to High Flow Young Rok Ham (Chungnam National University Hospital)
12:10-12:40 High Flow Vascular Access: Prevention and Management Sangeon Gwoo (Lifeline Vascular Clinic)
June 22 (Sun)

Nephrology Board Review Course 2

Room 4
(Room 203)
Chair(s) Jae Won Yang (Yonsei University Wonju Severance Christian Hospital)
Byung-Chul Shin (Chosun University Hospital)
Speaker(s) 10:40-11:10 Others: Foundations of Onco-Nephrology: Key Insights for the Nephrologist Myung-Gyu Kim (Korea University Anam Hospital)
11:10-11:40 HD: Updated Review of Intradialytic Hypotension: Prediction and Management Jae Seok Kim (Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine)
11:40-12:10 PD: Peritoneal Dialysis: A Beginner’s Guide for Both Patients and Physicians Hye Eun Yoon (The Catholic University of Korea Incheon St. Mary's Hospital)
12:10-12:40 KTP: Preventing Cardiovascular Disease in Kidney Transplant Patients Woo Yeong Park (Keimyung University School of Medicine, Keimyung University Kidney Institute)
June 22 (Sun)

Hands-on Session 2 (Intervention)

Room 5
(Room 205)
Speaker(s) 10:40-12:40 Vascular Access US Cheolsu Kim (KIM CHEOL SU INTERNAL MEDICINE)
10:40-12:40 Vascular Access US Na Rae Joo (Hanmaeum Hospital)
10:40-12:40 Vascular Access US Jeonghwan Lee (Seoul National University Boramae Medical Center)
10:40-12:40 Vascular Access US Sunmin Kim (Lifeline Vascular Clinic)
10:40-12:40 Vascular Access US Yongseon Choi (Bundang Jesaeng General Hospital)
10:40-12:40 Vascular Access US Dong Hee Lee (Sam Medical Center)
10:40-12:40 Vascular Access US Do Hyoung Kim (Hallym University Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital)
10:40-12:40 Simulator (Vascular Access BFR) Chang Min Heo (Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital)
10:40-12:40 Simulator (Kidney Biopsy) Hae-Ryong Yun (Yongin Severance Hospital)
10:40-12:40 Simulator (Catheter Insertion) Hyung Duk Kim (The Catholic University of Korea, Eunpyeong St. Mary's Hospital)
10:40-12:40 Simulator (AVF ,PTA) Sangeon Gwoo (Lifeline Vascular Clinic)
10:40-12:40 Lung US Eun Jung Kim (Hallym University Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital)
10:40-12:40 IVC US Hyung Seok Lee (Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital)
10:40-12:40 VExUS (Hepatic Vein, Portal Vein) Gwangho Choi (Hallym University Chunchoen Sacred Heart Hospital)
10:40-12:40 Kidney US Hoon Suk Park (The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital)