For Oral/Poster Presentations

If you are an invited speaker, go the page for invited lectures.

The scientific committee of KSN 2025 cordially invites you to submit abstract for oral and poster sessions where we can share the most recent research works and review challenging cases around the world. All abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee and assigned in appropriate session.

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission Opens
    by December 9 (Mon), 2024 D+110
  • Extended Abstract Submission Deadline
    by March 21 (Fri), 2025 D+8
  • Abstract Acceptance Notice
    on April 9 (Wed), 2025 D-11

Preferred Topics

  • Diabetic Kidney Disease + Metabolic Abnormality-related Kidney Disease
  • Hypertensive Kidney Disease + Vascular Biology in CKD
  • Pediatric Nephrology + Inherited Kidney Disease
  • Dialysis
  • Interventional Nephrology
  • Glomerular and Tubulointerstitial Disorders
  • Transplantation
  • Acute Kidney Injury
  • Non-dialysis CKD
  • Renal Conservative Care + Geriatric Nephrology + Sarcopenia
  • Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-base Disorder
  • Renal Nutrition
  • Basic Research

Abstract Submission Process

  1. Step 1 Sign-up and Log in Sign- up and log in on this website.
    If you are already signed-up on this website, you can use your account for your abstract submission.
  2. Step 2 Submission & Confirmation After you submit your abstract, a confirmation letter will be sent to the submitter, presenting author, and corresponding author via email.
  3. Step 3 Review & Modification You can review or modify your submitted abstracts until March 21 (Fri), 2025 by visiting ‘My Page’.
  4. Step 4 Acceptance Notification An acceptance notification will be sent to the presenting author and corresponding author via e-mail.

Abstract Submission Guideline

Submission Method Abstracts must be submitted online via the KSN 2025 website only. *Sign-up required
Language English
Word limit Title A concise title not exceeding 30 words
Capitalize the first letter of each word. Titles in ALL CAPS are not allowed.
Refrain from using standard abbreviations or acronyms in the title.
Body Maximum 300 words
Capitalize the first word the heading and of any subtitle/subheading.
Name All co-authors' first and family name(s) must be provided in full.
Degrees or titles such as MD after an author's name must be deleted.
Affiliation Affiliation should be structured as follows: Department, Institution, and Country.
Structure The abstract body can be written as a structured abstract (original article) or single paragraph abstract (case study).

Original Article: Summary description of study/research set out in a systematic, stylized form under headings structured in: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
Case Study: In-depth analysis of one individual or group written in single paragraph without stylized headings
Maximum two optional figure(s) or table(s) to support abstracts may be included. *File type: jpeg, jpg, png only
Presentation Types Authors have the option to indicate their preference on their presentation type among 'Oral Presentation,’ and ‘Poster Exhibition’. The KSN 2025 Scientific Committee, however, reserves the right to decide the final type of presentation for all abstracts after review.
Encore abstracts As long as your research work is not yet published as an original article, it is permissible to present encore abstracts at KSN 2025 if both the first and subsequent conferences allow this.

However, abstract authors must declare this at the end of the abstract in the following way:
“This abstract was also submitted for the (insert meeting title) congress. By submitting the abstract to KSN 2025, abstract authors declare that re-submitting the abstract is permitted by the organizers of the previous meeting”

Abstract Policy

Acknowledgement After submitting the abstract, an automatic email will be sent to the presenting author and corresponding author, confirming the abstract information.
Please make sure that you enter valid email address and contact the secretariat if the e-mail confirmation has not been sent.
Modification Modifications may be made at any time until the abstract submission deadline of March 21 (Fri), 2025.
Withdrawal Written request by email is required. *Email address:
Acceptance Notice Presenting author and corresponding author of an abstract will receive the acceptance notice via email on April 9 (Wed), 2025.

Benefit for International Abstract Presenters: Travel Grant

Selected abstract presenting authors traveling from outside of Korea meeting requirements will be considered for travel grant.

  • Must be international participant traveling from outside of Korea. (Those staying in Korea are not eligible to apply for the travel grant.)
  • Must be listed as the presenting author of an accepted abstract and complete their pre-registration for the congress, attending on-site.
  • Must indicate their willingness to apply for the travel grant during the abstract submission process.

Please note that acceptance of an abstract does not guarantee receipt of a travel grant due to the limited number of recipients.

Any inquires to the KSN 2025 Secretariat at