About KSN

The Korean Society of Nephrology

The Korean Society of Nephrology (KSN) has made progress in education, research, and medical care in the field of nephrology thanks to the dedication of members since its foundation in 1980.

To accomplish this vision and mission, KSN will,

  • Promote international exchanges for the society members.
  • Provide various opportunities and create innovative programs to expand the fields of specialization and to promote diversity and inclusiveness within KSN.
  • Listen to the members engaged in various fields including private physicians, hospitalists and so on.
  • Prepare for the medical care in terms of Korean reunification.


  • Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Nephrology
  • Regional educational symposia “KSN Update”
  • Nephrology Board Review Course
  • Official journal “Kidney Research and Clinical Practice”
  • Annual report of ESRD Registry
  • KSN News quarterly
  • A textbook “Clinical Nephrology”
Grants and Funds
  • Grants for clinical and basic researches
  • Travel grants to support KSN members to attend international scientific meetings